Who we are

Coffee with a Christian is a ministry with the goal of leveraging technology to help Christians engage and serve in their community. We are have launched a mobile application that invites people from all walks of life to connect with a network of Christian believers.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
— Matthew 28:19

Why we do this

  • We believe that the best and most positive way to change the world is to encourage deep and personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

  • We realize that it is difficult to walk into a church.

  • We believe that the digital culture is largely unreached by the Gospel.

  • We recognize that Christians have the reputation of being arrogant, pushy, argumentative or hard to approach.

  • We believe that the Good News about Jesus is worth sharing but it is difficult to know who might be interested in having a conversation about Jesus Christ.

  • Our goal is to overcome these barriers by connecting "seekers" and "Christians" for a meaningful conversation over a cup of coffee in a public setting.

If you are interested in meeting up with a Christian,  visit our get coffee page.

If you are interested in bringing Coffee with a Christian to your community visit our serve page for more information

A new but old idea

While there is nothing new about sitting down with friends, family or even strangers to share the good news of Jesus, Coffee with a Christian is unique in some very modern ways. We are able to dynamically connect non-religious seekers with local local church members that have been trained, vetted and matched by any number of factors including gender, age or area of interest.   

The website database also allows members to extend a very permanent standing invitation to non-religious friends, coworkers, family or even strangers who may not be able to meet up when they first hear about this but know that they might want to later.

If you are interested in speaking up for Christ in your community visit our serve page for more information